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The Spooky Side of the Wildwoods

Summer is the best, but Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It has me thinking about Wildwod's scary rides and other fun Halloween sights I've seen over the years.
Dante's Dungeon Wildwood
I remember being truly terrified, just passing by Dante's Dungeon as a young kid! I mean, who wouldn't freak out if their stroller was heading towards this guy?
I remember my uncle telling me the smoke coming out of the mouth/nose was actually someone in the back smoking cigars and blowing the smoke up a long straw or something bizarre like that (and I believed it!)

How much do you LOVE the Wildwood Tram Car?

Probably not as much as this guy who refused to exit!

Spooky Tram Car


Do you remember Castle Dracula?

A LOT of us miss it! I stumbled this video on YouTube that documents the Castle experience in a real 1991 camcorder kind of way. The home-video element actually lends to the nostalgia -- I enjoyed it!


Speaking of Castle Dracula..

I'm extra excited for this brand-new Castle Dracula magnet that pays tribute to the old castle! It is based on the sign that was out front! If you'd like one, it's just $5.
Castle Dracula Magnet

Can you believe even the ferris wheel gets in the Halloween spirit?

The spooks are truly relentless!

Wildwood Ferris Wheel at Halloween - Spooky Skull


What is your favorite all-time Wildwood scary / dark-ride?

We've only featured a couple classics. There are plenty more. Let us know your favorite by commenting on this Facebook or Instagram post!